S1E6 Apollo



The term “extimacy” refers primarily to the presence of exteriority in the intimacy, or deepest interiority, of the subject, and secondarily to the resultant non-distinction and identity of the exterior and the intimate or most interior.

Pavón-Cuéllar, David: ‘Extimacy’, in Thomas Teo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer. (2014)

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John Portman: Westin Bonaventure Hotel (1976)

  • indoorplaza
  • citywithinthecity

TRYPTICA accomodates a society in which meaning and reality are not substantiated but are relational.

A city that unveils the trifold relation of the peering self, its alter ego and the desired double to become. These entities revolve around in pursuit of reflection and revelation.

The inhabitants are at the same time spectators as well as the actors and legislators of the city. They devour the city in its totality, process its complexity and get lost in its leisure and abundant growth.

Extimacy in Apollo: Statement (2021)

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    Frei, Miro
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Extimacy in Apollo: Body Double (1984)

de Palma, Brian: Body Double: Movie Excerpt (1984)

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Extimacy in Apollo: Body Double (1984); Associative Mapping of the Scenes (2021)

Architecture is not simply a platform that accommodates the viewing subject. It is a viewing mechanism that produces the subject. It precedes and frames the occupant.

Colomina, Beatriz: Sexuality and Space (1992)

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Extimacy in Apollo: Reflectory Telescope (2021)

Vertov, Dziga: Man with a Movie Camera (1929)

Extimacy in Apollo: PROSPECTICA (2021)

  • ultrazoom

Vertov, Dziga: Man with a movie camera (1929)

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    Frei, Miro
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Extimacy in Apollo: PROSPECTICA: focal Point (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: Sazaedo Temple (1796)

  • doublehelix

Extimacy in Apollo: PROSPECTICA: Incentive (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: PROSPECTICA: Resonance (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: The Body Doubles (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: TRYPTICA (2021)

  • trifold
  • reflection

Extimacy in Apollo: Tryptica: Reflection (2021)

de Palma, Brian: Body Double (1984)

Extimacy in Apollo: Tryptica: The peering Self (2021)

de Palma, Brian: Body Double (1984)

Extimacy in Apollo: Tryptica: the Alter Ego (2021)

de Palma, Brian: Body Double (1984)

  • theroom
  • desires
  • voyeurism

Extimacy in Apollo: Tryptica: Body Double (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: Tryptica: Output (2021)


Groening, Matt: The Simpsons, a fish called selma, the chemosphere (1996)

  • modernist
  • poparchitecture

Since Freud, the center of man is not where we thought it was; one has to go on from there.

Chapsal, Madeleine; published in L’express: Interview with Jacques Lacan (1957)

  • psychoanalysis
  • excentric
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    Frei, Miro
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Matta-Clark, Gordon: Conical Intersect (1975)

  • cutting
  • cutout

Wall, Jeff: search of premises (2009)

  • intrusion
  • access
  • societyofcontrol

Extimacy in Apollo: Body Double (1984); mapping of the Scenes in Los Angeles (2021)

Black, Milton: The Tail 'o' the Pup (1946)

  • losangeles
  • fantasy
  • hotdogsy

Extimacy in Apollo: Section through the Santa Monica Mountains (2021)

  • losangeles
  • topography
  • chemosphere

Extimacy in Apollo: The Chemosphere & Gloria Revelle's House (1984)

  • voyeurism

Extimacy in Apollo: The Beach Terrace motel (1922)

  • levels
  • steps

Boyd, Jane: Bixby Tunnel Mural: "Flight of the Egrets" (1960)

  • perspective

Lautner, John: The Chemosphere; Floor Plan (1960)

  • excentric
  • panopticon
  • extroversion
  • extraversion

Environetics & La Sopha: The Rodeo Collection Mall (1983)

Portman, John: New York Marriott Marquis (1985)

  • citywithinthecity
  • postmodernism
  • hyperspace

Banham, Reyner: Reyner Banham loves Los Angeles (1972)

  • fantasy
  • losangeles

Extimacy in Apollo: Fantasy Architecture (2021)

Newton, Sir Isaac: Diagram of Sir Isaac Newton's design for a reflecting telescope (1672)

  • reflection
  • mirror
  • projection

Bentham, Jeremy: Millbank Prison (1821)

  • panopticon

Extimacy in Apollo: The Sci-Fi Corridor (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: Telescope under the Hill (2021)

  • compression

Extimacy in Apollo: GALLERIA CRISTOFORO COLOMBO (1937)

Extimacy in Apollo: Hyperdrive (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: The Horizontal Labyrinth (2021)

  • labyrinth

Ferretti, Dante: The Name of the Rose (1986)

  • labyrinth
  • stairs

The worst labyrinth is not that intricate form that can entrap us forever, but a single and precise straight line.

Jorge Luis Borges: UNKNOWN (1986)

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    Li Fei, Müller Fabian
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Henson, Jim: Labyrinth (1986)

  • fiction
  • illusion
  • labyrinth

Extimacy in Apollo: The vertical Labyrinth (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: Love Triangle (2021)

Cellier, Jacques: Plan of the labyrinth of Reims Cathedral in France (1583)

  • labyrinth

Google Earth: Melrose Place, Florida (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: Temple of Artemis (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: The Akropolis in Athens (2021)

Koolhas, Rem: Dreamland, Coney Island (1976)

  • dream

Piranesi, Giovanni Battista: Le Carceri d'Invenzione; The Round Tower (1761)

  • labyrinth
  • stairs
  • prison

Extimacy in Apollo: A Temple underfoot (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: Trigonometric City (2021)

Descartes, René: mind-body dualism (1633)

Extimacy in Apollo: The optic nerve (2021)

Hardouin-Mansart, Jules: Château de Chambord (1519)

  • doublehelix

Hardouin-Mansart, Jules: Château de Chambord (1519)

Extimacy in Apollo: Spaceship Dreamcatcher (2021)

Google Earth: Dubai Highways (2021)

And the singleminded streets creating space

Are corridors for sleep and nameless fear.

Borges, Jorge Luis: La noche ciclica (1940)

  • dream
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    Frei, Miro
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Extimacy in Apollo: TRYPTICA (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: TRYPTICA: IMPLICATIONS (2021)

Durand, Jean Nicolas Louis: La Citadelle de Turin (1833)

  • introvertedtower

Appia, Adolphe: StageDesign for Orpheus, at the Hellerau Eurythmics Centre (1913)

No longer am I alone. There is another. There is the reflection that builds in the dawn a silent theatre.

Borges, Jorge Luis: Los espejos (1960)

  • mirror
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    Frei, Miro
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de Palma, Brian: Body double (1984)

  • reflection
  • mirror

In those years… I began to understand that the goal of psychic development is the self. There is no linear evolution; there is only the circumambulation of the self.

Jung, C. G.: Memories, dreams, reflections (1962)

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    Frei, Miro
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Hardouin-Mansart, Jules: Château de Chambord (1519)

  • plangiratoire

Extimacy in Apollo: the city projected (2021)

Extimacy in Apollo: Tryptica (2021)

  • trifold
  • trisection