S1E5 Dionysos



Variables in dionysos: Rhei (2020)

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Variable(s) noun.

an element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change.

Aristotle's 5 types of change:

- perishing (change in the category of substance)

- alteration (change of quality)

- increase and decrease (change of quantity)

- locomotion (change of place)

- coming-to-be


the Dionysian vision of the world is more direct. This is an intoxicated but clear-eyed vision of radical becoming, of "everlasting and incessant coming-to-be and passing away", of the chiasmic unity or simultaneity of being and non-being.

Variables in Dionysos: definition (2020)

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Variables in Dionysos: Spider in the corner (2020)

Variables in Dionysos: Blur of image (2020)

Becoming is the unseparatedness of being and nothing, not the unity which abstracts from being and nothing; but as the unity of being and nothing it is this determinate unity in which there is both being and nothing.

Hegel: Science of Logic (1812)

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Variables in Dionysos: dynamics of outline (2020)

Didier Descouens: Palazzo della Ragione in Padua (2017)

HdM: Studio Rémy Zaugg (1996)

all coming-to-be as though it were an illegitimate emancipation from eternal being, a wrong for which destruction is the only penance.

Nietzsche, Friedrich: Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks (1873)

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Variables in Dionysos: dynamics (2020)

panta rhei

Heraclitus: Everything flows (450)

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Unknown: the great pacific garbage patch (2018)

Variables: A spray of Rhei (2020)

Variables in Dionysos: Rhei in the night (2020)

Variables in Dionysos: Constructive gesture in flux (2020)

Variables in Dionysos: Motion in Flux (2020)

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NASA: Universe Expansion Funnel (2016)

"Variables" mirrors turmoil in Dionysos, manifests being by becoming.

Variables in Dionysos: Propaganda (2020)

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1a : able or apt to vary : subject to variation or changes variable winds variable costs

1b : fickle, inconstant

2 : characterized by variations

3 : having the characteristics of a variable

4 : not true to type : aberrant —used of a biological group or character


1a : a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values

1b : a symbol representing a variable

2a : something that is variable

2b : a factor in a scientific experiment that may be subject to change

3 : variable star

First Known Use of variable


14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a


1816, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

History and Etymology for variable


Middle English, borrowed from Anglo-French, borrowed from Late Latin variābilis "changeable," from Latin variāre "to make changeable, vary" + -ābilis -able

merriam-webster.com: etymology (2020)

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Rhei is aesthetic in its very becoming, simultaneity of coming into being and passing away. For its becoming dynamics, an alternative planet of earth with total liquid surface serves as the primary infrastructure. The collected urban artifacts are drifting around the planet according to the analogous air and ocean surface current circulation.

Rhei depicts the tension between destructive and constructive projection of reality. In Rhei, we know, the seeming of reality is material; we believe, all of material is decaying; we doubt, form´s permanence and presence of nowness.

Rhei is the termial of cities, where Dionysos celebrates the third birth.

Variables in Dionysos: Statement (2020)

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Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng: Fireworks in Jin Ping Mei (1628)

Nietzsche is rejecting a Platonic opposition between Sein(Being) and Schein (appearing), between Seienden (existents) and Erscheinungen(phenomena), an opposition in which Being
simply is, outside of all time and appearance.


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Arendt, Hannah: The Human Condition (1958)

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Variables in dionysos: is coming (2020)

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馬遠(ma yuan): 水圖之層波疊浪(painting of water 2) (1212)

馬遠(ma yuan): 水圖之長江萬頃 (water of painting 4) (1212)

馬遠(ma yuan): 水圖之湖光瀲灧(painting of water 8) (1212)

variables in dionysos: weather report of catalysis (2020)

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Variables in Dionysos: Change in Chinese (2020)

...that nature is a source or cause of being moved and of being at rest in that to which it belongs primarily, in virtue of itself and not in virtue of a concomitant attribute.

Aristotle: Physics (350)

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From what has been said, then, it is plain that nature in the primary and strict sense is the essence of things which have in themselves, as such, a source of movement; for the matter is called the nature because it is qualified to receive this, and processes of becoming and growing are called nature because they are movements proceeding from this. And nature in this sense is the source of the movement of natural objects, being present in them somehow, either potentially or in complete reality.

aristotle: metaphysics (350)

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The term ‘according to nature’ is applied to all these things and also to the attributes which belong to them in virtue of what they are, for instance the property of fire to be carried upwards- which is not a ‘nature’ nor ‘has a nature’ but is ‘by nature’ or ‘according to nature’.

aristotle: Physics (350)

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Unknown: Haiyantang Water Clock Fountain (1800)

Descartes, René: mind-body dualism (1633)

Fludd, Robert: Segment of the macrocosm showing the elemental spheres of terra (earth), aqua (water), aer (air), and ignis (fire) (1617)

Athabasca University: primary color mixing (2013)

Sassoon: Square Line With A Fringe (2017)

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jossi: the Monad (2006)

Bob King: R CrB Coronae Borealis (2018)

AAVSO: Light curve of R Coronae Borealis (2017)

Deutsche Fotothek‎: Firebombing of Dresden (1945)

AJN: Arab World Institute (1987)

In the measurement of any physical system, there are macroscopic and microscopic variables to be taken into account.

Braidotti, Rosi and Hlavajova, Maria: Posthuman Glossary (2018)

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Gordon Ramsay: Gordon Ramsay Teaches Cooking (2016)

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Franklin, Benjamin: Gulf Stream (1786)

Tschumi Bernard: Parc de la Villete (1982)

Nothing which is and becomes can be or become without the simultaneous being and becoming of something else; and even the death of one product of nature is nothing but penance for an obligation which it has assumed towards all the rest of nature. Consequently, within nature there is nothing primal, nothing absolute, nothing which exists by itself.

Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling: Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur (1797)

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Lazzarini, Gregorio: Orpheus and the Bacchantes (1710)

Displayed in themselves, emptied of all resemblances, cleansed even of their colours, visual representations will now at last be able to provide natural history with what constitutes its proper object, with precisely what it will convey in the well made language it intends to construct. This object is the extension of which all natural beings are constituted an extension that may be affected by four variables. And by four variables only: the form of the elements, the quantity of those elements, the manner in which they are distributed in space in relation to each other, and the relative magnitude of each element.

Foucault, Michel: The Order of Things (1966)

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Mendeleev, Dmitri: Попытка химического понимания мирового эфира (An Attempt at a Chemical Conception of Universal Ether) (1904)

Leibniz, Gottfried: characteristica universalis (De Arte Combinatoria) (1666)

A substance ontology wants to grasp the reality of being, but the world of becoming does not allow for such grasping.

ULFERS, FRIEDRICH: introduction to The Dionysian Vision of the World (2013)

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Shao Yong: Diagram of I Ching hexagrams (1000)

Robert Venturi: Vanna Venturi House (1964)

unknown: nothing (2050)

google earth: Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge (2015)

google earth: National Stadium under construction (2006)

kallerna: Bumper cars (2009)

ElfQrin: transitions between the four fundamental states of matter (2011)

Arthur Mike and Saffer Demian: Hadley Cells (2050)

encyclopaedia britannica inc: physical states (2011)

Arthur, Mike and Saffer, Demian: Hadley Circulation Cells cause a gradient of pressure (2050)

European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite: A map of surface salinity levels (2014)

Inaglory, Brocken: Ice crystals (2009)

ARTHUR, MIKE AND SAFFER, DEMIAN: The rotation of the Earth is responsible for the Coriolis Effect which breaks the two large Hadley Cells into six smaller ones (2050)

ARTHUR, MIKE AND SAFFER, DEMIAN: how the wind moves at the surface as it related to Hadley cell circulation (2050)

ARTHUR, MIKE AND SAFFER, DEMIAN: divergent and convergent winds as they related to Hadley cell circulation (2050)

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.: General patterns of atmospheric circulation over an idealized Earth with a uniform surface (left) and the actual Earth (right). Both horizontal and vertical patterns of atmospheric circulation are depicted in the diagram of the actual Earth. (2010)

Connolley, William M.: 15-year average mean sea-level pressure for June, July, and August (top) and December, January, and February (bottom) (2006)

ElfQrin: transitions between the four fundamental states of matter (2011)

Greenmind1980: Long-term mean precipitation by month (2016)

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Kaidor: Global circulation of Earth's atmosphere (2013)

Jacobson, Mark Z: Modeled map of the yearly averaged downward surface solar radiation reaching the surface (2009)

Jambhekar, Vishal: Solubility of NaCl in water variation with temperature (2009)

Kelvinsong: warm front (2014)

Joseph Black: Specific heat capacity (1700)

google earth: burnt Notre Dame (2020)

google earth: CCTV Headquarters under construction (2007)

google earth: Pompeii (2020)

google earth: National Centre for the Performing Arts under construction (2001)

If we add to this horror the ecstatic rapture, which rises up out of the same collapse of the principium individuationis from the innermost depths of human beings, yes, from the innermost depths of nature, then we have a glimpse into the essence of the Dionysian, which is presented to us most closely through the analogy to intoxication.


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NASA: Global Wave Height Speed (1992)

Martín, Rodrigo Sebastian: The general atmospheric circulation. Trade winds (red), westerlies (white) and the South Pacific anti-cyclone (blue) (2019)

KVDP: The westerlies (blue) and trade winds (yellow and brown) (2009)

NASA: Perpetual Ocean (2011)

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NASA: Thermohaline Circulation using Improved Flow Field (2011)

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NASA: Circulation of Ocean Currents Around the Western Antarctic Ice Shelves (2012)

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NASA: Ocean flows at surface and 2000 meters below sea level (2017)

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KVDP: World map indicating tropics and subtropics (2013)

national geographic: Cutaway Earth (2020)

NOAA: Hadley Cells (2050)

nasa: Atmospheric Water Vapor Mean (2005)

Kes47: Coriolis effect (2015)

nasa: the motion of atmospheric bands and circulation of the Great Red Spot (1979)

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Munk, Walter H.: Classification of the spectrum of ocean waves according to wave period (1950)

nasa: Summer Blooms in the Baltic and Barents (2018)

Samuel Leigh, Hercules and Corona Borealis: Hercules and Corona Borealis (1824)


Pidwirny Michael: Ocean surface currents (2007)

United States Army Service Forces: Oceanic surface currents (U.S. Army, 1943) (1943)

Ray R.: M2 tidal constituent (2019)

R. Bingham: Surface current speed (2012)

NOVA PBS Official: The Coriolis Effect (2013)

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unkonwn: Surface Currents Are Driven by the Winds (2015)

unknown: sea breeze and land breeze (2013)

Surname, firstname: Surname, firstname (5)

U.S. Department of the Inferior: The cycle of water circulation (2016)

roaa: Pacific Ocean currents have created 3 "islands" of debris (2010)

unknown: Saltstraumen (2017)

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Variables in Dionysos: -ing (2020)

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馬遠(ma yuan): 水圖之黃河逆流(painting of water 5) (1212)

馬遠(ma yuan): 水圖之雲舒浪卷(painting of water 10) (1212)

variables in dionysos: Catalysis (2020)

variables in dionysos: Phases of Catalysis (2020)

variables in dionysos: direction of movement (2020)

variables in dionysos: direction of movement (2020)

The cause of this behaviour is believed to be a regular build-up of carbon dust in the star's atmosphere. The sudden drop in brightness may be caused by a rapid condensation of carbon-rich dust similar to soot, resulting in much of the star's light being blocked. The gradual restoration to normal brightness results from the dust being dispersed by radiation pressure.

wikipedia: R Coronae Borealis (2020)

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