S1E5 Dionysos

UPPER RHENISH MASTER (UNKNOWN): Paradiesgärtlein (1420)

  • gardeneden
  • hortusconclusus

Limit in Dionysos: SIN(1/X) (2020)

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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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Limit (n.) : what determins a domain, what separates two domains.

CNRTL: Definition (2020)

  • definition
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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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Dürer, Albrecht: Unknown (1500)

  • ocean
  • abyss
  • terraincognita

Limit + Dionysos = Transgression

Limit in Dionysos: Transgression formula (2020)

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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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Transgression (géol.) : the spread of the sea over land areas.

Online Dictionnary: Definition (2020)

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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Mississippi River Meander Belt (1944)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Reason has long belonged to Terra Firma. As for unreason, it has been aquatic from the depths of time. Madness is the flowing liquid exterior of rocky reason.

Foucault, Michel: L’eau et la folie (1994)

  • water
  • madness
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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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François Dallegret: A Home is not a House (1965)

  • nomad
  • relay
  • industry
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    Carlier Nicolas, Piazza Dario
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It is no longer the island that is separated from the continent, it is humans who find themselves separated from the world when on an island. It is no longer the island that is created from the bowels of the earth through the liquid depths, it is humans who create the world anew from the island and on the waters.

Deleuze, Gilles: Desert Islands and other texts (1974)

  • island
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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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Limit in Dionysos: Ungers, Oswald Mathias : Cities within the city (2020)

rem koolhaas: downtown athletic club (1976)


Anderson, Wes: Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

  • lighthouse

Le Corbusier: Voyages d'Orient, Carnets (1911)

  • acropolis

Limit in Dionysos: Orthophoto Sin (1/x) (2020)

Limit in Dionysos: Zoom In 1 (2020)

Limit in Dionysos: Zoom In 4 (2020)

Limit in Dionysos: Zoom In 2 (2020)

Limit in Dionysos: Zoom In 3 (2020)

Limit in Dionysos: SIN(1/X) : SECTION (2020)

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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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Limit in Dionysos: Erosion and verticality (2020)


Sin(1/x) is a city where ground level is constantly redefined, foundations remodelled. This variability is created by the oscillation of water level, sprawling and flooding the different archipelagos, forming the city through this process. This condition rules economical and social hierarchy between citizens. Secluded on their island, water frees and connects them, reaching equality. People gather on the acropolis, dry surface, finally able to connect with each other.

Limit in Dionysos: Sin(1/x) : Statement (2020)

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Art. 1 The city’s calendar is based on tides. The highest tides are a holiday.

Art. 2 Water surface is always public.

Art. 3 Private property becomes irrelevant, when flooded.

Art. 4 Upper levels host lower levels, when flooded.

Art. 5 The acropolis is a sacred place.

Art. 6 Each citizen receives an inflatable buoy.

Limit in Dionysos: Sin(1/x) : Constitution (2020)

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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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UPPER RHENISH MASTER (UNKNOWN): Paradiesgärtlein (1420)

  • gardeneden
  • hortusconclusus

Transgression (n.) :

late 14th c. from Old French transgression "transgression," particularly that relating to Adam and the Fall, from Latin transgressionem "a transgression of the law," or "a going over, a going across," from transgressus, past part. of transgredi "step across, step over; climb over, pass, go beyond," composed of trans- "across, beyond" + gradi (past part. gressus) "to walk, go".

Etymology dictionary: transgression (2020)

  • etymology
  • beyond
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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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Descombes, Georges: Renaturation of river Aire (2012)


Where there is no law, there is no transgression.

Hayek, Friedrich: The Constitution of Liberty (1960)

  • freedom
  • law
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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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David, Jacques-Louis: Serment du jeu de paume (1789)

Cartier-Bresson, Henri: Mur de Berlin, Allemagne de l'Ouest (1962)

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  • mur

Eisenstein, Sergei: October (1928)

  • bridge
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Copernicus, Nicolaus: Heliocentric solar system (1510)

limit (n.)

c. 1400, “boundary, frontier,” from Old French limite “a boundary,” from Latin limitem (nominative limes) “a boundary, limit, border, embankment between fields,” which is probably related to limen “threshold,” and possibly from the base of limus “transverse, oblique,” which is of uncertain origin. Originally of territory; general sense from early 15c. Colloquial sense of “the very extreme, the greatest degree imaginable” is from 1904.


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    Brusch Lukas, Malik Niti, Rutishauser Silvio
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Koolhaas, Rem: Exodus, the reception area (1972)

  • wall

Blake, William: Jerusalem, Plate 1, Frontispiece (1820)

  • border
  • crossing

Tenniel, John: Alice in Wonderland (1866)

  • door

The Dionysian [...] is the freeing of unmeasured instinct, the breaking loose of the unbridled dynamis of the animal and the divine nature.

Jung, Carl Gustav: Psychological Types (1921)

  • psychoanalysis
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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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Dali, Salvador: Los esfuerzos estériles (1928)

Scott, Ridley: Thelma and Louise (1991)

  • car
  • woman
  • canyon

Rossi, Aldo: Il teatro del mondo (1979)

Stendhal: De l'amour (1822)

Limit (math.) : Value which a quantity can approach without ever reaching it.

CNRTL: Definition (2020)

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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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Bolzano, Bernard: Mathematical expression of a limit (1817)

  • math

L'alcoolique est à la recherche du pénultième verre.

Deleuze, Gilles: L'Abécédaire: B comme Boisson (1989)

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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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Moulin, Nicolas: Vider Paris (2001)

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SCHUITEN, PEETERS: Les Cités obscures (1989)

Every beginning is a return, but the return already implies a difference, it is not a return to the same (origin) but a journey (becoming).

Zourabichvili, François: Le vocabulaire de Deleuze (2003)

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    Mercolli Lino, Assal Simon
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Nietzsche, Friedrich: dynamisches schema der zeit (1873)

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    Grimaldi Virginia, Isora Perazzi Giovanni
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