S2E4 Pathfinder/Los Angeles

Gast, John: American Progress - Extracted from George A. Crofutt's Trans-Continental Tourist (1872)

  • america
  • colonisation
  • terracide
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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Jones, Brainerd: Craftsman Style California Bungalow, Petaluma, CA. (1912)

  • bungalow
  • casestudy
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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: Anchoring (2024)

  • citizen
  • foundation
  • territory
  • bungalow
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Though the Earth, and all inferior Creatures be common to all Men, yet every Man has a Property in his own Person. This no Body has any Right to but himself. The Labour of his Body, and the Work of his Hands, we may say, are properly his. Whatsoever then he removes out of the State that Nature hath provided, and left it in, he hath mixed his Labour with, and joyned to it something that is his own, and thereby makes it his Property.

Locke, John: The Second Treatise of the Government (1690)

  • property
  • labour
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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Wall, Jeff: Property Line (2015)

  • repetition
  • property
  • survey
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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Eitel, Philipp; Butcher, Anthony: Carpet (2024)

  • carpet
  • grid
  • archeology
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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: Pioneer (2024)

  • democracy
  • land
  • americana
  • pioneer
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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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That our people should live in their own homes is a sentiment deep in the heart of our race and of American life. But they never sing songs about a pile of rent receipts. To own one's own home is a physical expression of individualism, of enterprise, of independence, and of the freedom of spirit.

Hoover, Herbert: 31st President of the President of the United States: Address to the White House Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership (1931)

  • home
  • ownership
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: Conquest of Single Family Homes, Los Angeles County (2024)

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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Pacific Ready Cut Homes Inc.: Representative Shipment of Pacific Ready-Cut Material (1925)

  • bungalow
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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Whittington, Dick: Assembly Area (1949)

  • repetition
  • bungalow
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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Rothschild, Norman: Building homes on a assembly-line basis (1950)

  • repetition
  • bungalow
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: Ritual (2024)

  • ritual
  • repetition
  • sedentary
  • explosion
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: Performance of a Lifetime (2024)

  • maintenance
  • surface
  • performance
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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Krauss, Nicole: Black-Throated Blue Warbler territory (2008)

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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: Defense (2024)

  • labor
  • tools
  • prothesis
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: The Human Claim for Property [kcal/sqft] (2024)

  • energy
  • repetition
  • calories
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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Territory is part of who we are. The evolved origin of property is why property has never actually been abolished anywhere and never will be. All that changes is who [maintains] the property.

Camplin, Troy: Aesthetics, Ritual, Property, and Fish - A Dialectical Approach to the Evolutionary Foundations of Property (2019)

  • repetition
  • property
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: The Transaction (2024)

  • repetition
  • nesting
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Eitel, Philipp; Butcher, Anthony: Territory (2024)

  • leisure
  • traces
  • archeology
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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: Transgression (2024)

  • repetition
  • territory
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    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: An Arrangement (2024)

  • repetition
  • territory
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: Liberty (2024)

  • nest
  • liberalism
  • repetition
  • territory
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: LARUCP/TYPEV 5/2024 - Residential Requirements (2024)

  • bungalow
  • repetition
  • buildingcode
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: LARUCP/TYPEV 5/2024 - Sample (2024)

  • code
  • bungalow
  • foundation
  • zoning
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: LARUCP TYPEV 5/2024 - Datum (2024)

  • bungalow
  • repetition
  • buildingcode
  • bungak
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: LARUCP TYPEV 5/2024 - Elevation (2024)

  • buildingcode
  • bungalow
  • repetition
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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Repetition in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: Agreement (2024)

  • sedentary
  • bungalow
  • Uploaded by
    Philipp Eitel, Anthony Butcher
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