S1E4 Variables

Wexler, Allan: Coffee Seeks Its Own Level (1990)

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NEMESIS is a city that constantly changes.

All citizens are allowed to commit theft, constantly changing their possessions: the property is not inalienable but always negotiable.

In Nemesis, theft equals to trade.

Having architecture as the only defensive system, Nemesis's citizens actively change the environment, developing strategies and prosthetic elements to challenge and promote this dynamic.

With theft as the driving force, Nemesis is selective, flexible and capable of transformation; allowing or preventing access to certain spaces, it keeps the tension high and ensures that its systems never become obsolete.

Theft in Variables: Statement (2020)

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    Tomasini, Sara
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Theft in Variables: Movie (2020)

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    Tomasini, Sara
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We, the people of Nemesis,

In order to defend the freedom of action of the individual,

With the aim of maintaining internal cohesion and the dignity of others,

And aware of our rights and responsibilities towards the physical reality constituting the city,

submit to the following constitution.

Theft Rights

- All citizens have the right to commit theft.

- Everyone can act for the protection of their rights and interests.

Property Rights

- All citizens have the right to protect their belongings.

- All citizens have the right to pursue other citizen's belongings.

Citizenship rights

- Identification is mandatory, before being admitted to the city.

- In order to obtain citizenship it is necessary to bring something previously stolen, which will become part of the city.

Movement Rights

- All citizens have the right to freedom of movement within the city.

- It is possible to leave the city at any time, but without any object.

Theft in Variables: City constitution (2020)

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Clepo ergo sum.

Theft in Variables: City motto (2020)

Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme.

de Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent: Traité élémentaire de chimie (1789)

  • transformation
  • chemistry
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    Strahm Patrick, Vaccani Sophia
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Gandy, Joseph Michael: Architectural Ruins - A Vision (1830)

Hopper, Edward: Night Windows (1928)

  • night

Uccello, Paolo: The Hunt in the Forest (1470)

Opportunity makes a thief.

Francis Bacon: A Letter of Advice to the Earl of Essex (1598)

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Theft in Variables: Zoom-in 1 (2020)

Theft in Variables: Zoom-in 2 (2020)

Theft in Variables: Prosthetic elements (2020)

Theft in Variables: Zoom-in 3 (2020)

Theft in Variables: Prosthetic elements (2020)

Theft in Variables: Zoom-in 4 (2020)

Theft in Variables: Prosthetic elements (2020)

Theft in Variables: Zoom-in 5 (2020)

Theft in Variables: City trip (2020)

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    Tomasini, Sara
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It makes no sense to divide cities into these two species, but rather into another two: those that through the years and the changes continue to give their form to desires, and those in which desires either erase the city or are erased by it.

Calvino, Italo: Le città invisibili (1972)

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nemesis [ nem-uh-sis ]

- Something that a person cannot conquer, achieve, etc.

- An opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome.

- Classical Mythology. the goddess of divine retribution.

- An agent or act of retribution or punishment.

dictionary.com: Nemesis definition (2020)

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Soane, John: Bank of England (1833)

Because the imaginary process relies on intentionality, the world is constituted not from the outside into our consciousness, but rather we constitute the world based on our intentions toward it.

Sartre, Jean-Paul: l'imaginaire (1940)

  • perception
  • imagination
  • mentalimage
  • analogon
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    Fuchs Samuel, Köstler Sarah
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Kircher, Athanasius: Refraction of light (1646)

  • light
  • refraction

Unknown: Al-Ba’sa (The Grudge) (1953)

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The combination of the two acts of obtaining possession and developing proprietary subjectivity amounts to appropriation. [...] The development of proprietary subjectivity is an act in itself amounting to the assumption of the owner’s rights.

Melissaris, Emmanuel: The Concept of Appropriation and The Offence of Theft (2007)

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  • appropriation
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    Tomasini, Sara
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Matta-Clark, Gordon: conical intersect (1975)

  • parisbiennale
  • antimonument
  • demolition
  • performance
  • gentrification
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    Correia Antonio Brito, Pülz Alan, Schäli Erich
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Every act is carefully planned. The selection of spots, securing of the property, making a get-away, disposing of the stolen property and fixing cases in which he may be arrested are all carefully planned. The professional thief has technical skills and methods which are different from those of other professional criminals. [...] The most important thing is the ability to manipulate people. The professional thief depends on his approach, front, wits, and in many instances his talking ability. The professional burglar, on the other hand, uses violence or threat of violence even through he may on occasion use soothing language in order to quiet people. The professional thief is generally migratory and may work in all cities. He generally uses a particular city as headquarters.

Conwell, Chic: The Professional Thief (1956)

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    Tomasini, Sara
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Borel, Antoine: Thetis Immerses Her Son Achilles in the Water of the River Styx (1800)

It is also convenient to place the doors in such a manner that they may lead to as many parts of the edifice as possible.

Alberti, Leon Battista: On the Art of Building in Ten Books (1472)

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Toeput, Lodewijk: Pleasure Garden with a Maze (1550)

  • labyrinth

Bosch, Hieronymus: The Conjurer (1502)

Theft in variables: Misdirection, straight and curved motion (2020)



Theft = trade

Lack of something






Prosthetic elements



Theft in Variables: Notions (2020)

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    Tomasini, Sara
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Palladio, Andrea; Scamozzi, Vincenzo: Teatro Olimpico (1585)

  • illusion
  • scenery
  • perspective
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    Corrales Michelle, Esslinger Ella, Ruof Eva
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WITHIN THE HOUSE: key / password / code, back door, window, garden, ground floor, top floor / roof

WITHIN THE CITY: shaded area, blind spot, sidewalk, arcades, underpass / overpass, alleyway, narrow street, curved street, blind facade, dense vegetation, high-rise building, infrastructure, spots of movement

Theft in Variables: Prosthetic elements - enabling theft to take place (2020)

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    Tomasini, Sara
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WHITHIN THE HOUSE: alarm / sensor, security camera, peephole, locker, door, barred window, mirror (reflective surfaces), fence, human element

WHITHIN THE CITY: streetlamp, security camera, gate, wall, dead end, wide street, straight street, presence of windows, (defense) tower, terrain vague, moat, drawbridge

Theft in Variables: Prosthetic elements - preventing theft to take place (2020)

  • Uploaded by
    Tomasini, Sara
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Clement, Ben; de la Cour, Sebastian: Department of Voids (2018)

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  • void