S1E7 Repetition/Difference


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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, storyboard (2021)

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Cassavettes, John: The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976)

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Daimler-Benz: Mercedes-Benz Experimental Safety Vehicles ESF 22 (1973)

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Klitgaard, Robert: International Cooperation against Corruption (1998)

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Cassavetes, John: THE KILLING OF A CHINESE BOOKIE (1976)

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de Barbari, Jacopo: Portrait of Luca Paciolis (1495)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Transaction (2021)

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NASA: Echo 1 Communications Satellite, during a test inflation in a dirigible Hangar prior to launch (1960)

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Wiper, Alastair Philip: Maersk Triple E (2014)

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Callot, Jacques: Guerra d'amore (1616)

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1 and 2. Principles of connection and heterogeneity: "...any point of a rhizome can be connected to any other, and must be";

3. Principle of multiplicity: it is only when the multiple is effectively treated as a substantive, "multiplicity", that it ceases to have any relation to the One;

Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Félix: A Thousand Plateaus (1980)

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RICHARD, Giblett: mycelium rhizome (2009)

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    Fögler Mona, Ridder Raphael, Schrammen Robert
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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Repentir (2021)

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    Schulte, Sven Axel & Strebel, Jérôme
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"Sameness is not mastered, only approached," but approached from within the Mass Indie gold rush of differentiation—just one more look to set the individual apart.

Rowan, Rory: SO NOW!: On Normcore (2014)

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Angelo, Finelli: Bologna ai tempi che vi soggiornò Dante (1929)

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The field thus corresponds to a site of power relations and of struggles and changes in these relations, and is consequently a site of permanent change.

Bourdieu, Pierre; WACQUANT, Loic J. D.: An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology (1992)

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Ungers, Oswald; Matthias Heyde, Tilman: Dense City (Multidirectional): Building System Variation, Lysander New City (1970)

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Cathena - A seemingly fragmented city gets connected by sharing the same unifying framework and through constant synchronization between its epicenters. This excessive exchange reduces differences and promotes sameness, which in turn brings stability.

Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Promise (2021)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: CATHENA (2021)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Agora (2021)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Repentir (2021)

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    Schulte, Sven Axel & Strebel, Jérôme
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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Repentir (2021)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: CASSETTE TAPE (2021)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Enfilade Train (2021)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Blockchain Structure (2021)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Intersection (2021)

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Swift, Jonathan: The Engine (1726)

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NASA: Apollo Spacecraft & Systems Familiarization (1968)

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Steigman, Steve: Blown-Away Guy (1979)

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Legacy (n.)

1 a situation that exists now because of events, actions, etc. that took place in the past

2 denoting or relating to software or hardware that has been superseded but is difficult to replace because of its wide use.

Oxford Dictionary: Legacy (2021)

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Where all trips have already taken place; where the vaguest desire for dispersion, evasion and movement are concentrated in a fixed point, in an immobility that has ceased to be one of non-movement and has become that of a potential ubiquity, of an absolute mobility, which voids its own space by crossing it ceaselessly and without effort

Baudrillard, Jean: The Ecstasy of Communication (1987)

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History in its broadest aspect is a record of man's migrations from one environment to another.

Huntington, Ellsworth: human migration (1915)

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Cassavetes, John: The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976)

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Cassavetes, John: THE KILLING OF A CHINESE BOOKIE (1976)

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Shulman, Julius: Downtown Los Angeles at night showing Union Bank Plaza (1968)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Orthophoto (2021)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Orthophoto (2021)

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Google Earth: Intersection Orange Ave/Walker St (2020)

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Google Earth: Marrakech (2019)

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Google Maps: Intersection 105 - 110, L.A. (2021)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Corruption in Repetition/ Difference: Orthophoto (2021)

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unknown: Territories annexed by the city of Los Angeles (1916)

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Regional Planning Commission of Los Angeles County: Masterplan of the Metropolitan Los Angeles Freeways (1947)

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Bordini, Giovan Francesco: De rebus preclaris gestis a Sixto V p.m. (1588)

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Le Pautre, Jean: Conception pour un confessionnal (1751)

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