S1E5 Dionysos



Expendable in Dionysos: Entropolis (2020)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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We the citizens of Entropolis, look back on history as a trace that has been left behind. We are aware, that all our actions bear witness of our present life.

1. | Any construction can only be used while its original program is active.

2. | Property is expendable. Owners are prohibited to sell, barter, donate or pledge their land. As soon as the original type of use changes, any right of ownership expires.

3. | All people are obliged to face their lives in a poetic manner to leave behind sublime traces of culture and society.

Honegger, Jan; Wolfer Nico: Constitution Entropolis (2020)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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- designed to be used only once and then abandoned or destroyed

- to expend (verb): to spend; spend in using

Oxford Dictionary: Expendable (2020)

  • expendable
  • etymology
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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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Grobe Hannes: Coral Stained (2006)

Ich liebe den Versuch über alles und der Versuch selbst ist schon eine Skulptur für mich.

Signer Roman: SIGNERS KOFFER (1995)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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Le Corbusier: Sketches of the Akropolis (1911)

  • athens
  • greece

Rothermel, Peter: The United States Senate (2020)

  • debate

Hoffmann, René: Argonauticeras (2011)

Expendable in Dionysos: Entropolis (2020)

Expendable in Dionysos: Entropolis; Zoom 1 (2020)

Expendable in Dionysos: Entropolis; Zoom 2 (2020)

Expendable in Dionysos: Entropolis (2020)


Richard, Mat: Cyanobacterial (2014)

  • traces

There are fundamental functions of which the city forms may be expressive: circulation, major land- uses, key focal points. The common hopes and pleasures, the sense of community may be made flesh. Above all, if the environment is visibly organized and sharply identified, then the citizen can inform it with his own meanings and connections. Then it will become a true place, remarkable and unmistakable.

Lynch, Kevin: The Image of the City (1960)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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Expendable in Dionysos: Entropie (2020)

NASA: Space Shuttle Start in Cape Canaveral (1994)

  • rocket
  • startingpoint
  • smoke
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    Fest Leonie, Grünig Vanessa
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It is our ancient habit to adjust to our environment, to discriminate and organize perceptually whatever is present to our senses. ... On home grounds, we may begin to adapt the environment itself to the perceptual pattern and symbolic process of the human being.

Lynch, Kevin: The Image of the City (1960)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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Expendable in Dionysos: Expendable in Dionysos (2020)

  • coincidence
  • ruins
  • abandoned

University of Chicago: US Energy History Visualization (2020)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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But no one has lived in the past and no one will live in the future.

The present is the form of all life.

Jean-Luc Godard: Alphaville (1965)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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European Space Imaging: Oasenstadt (2019)

Les habitants d'un territoire ne cessent de raturer et de récrire le vieux grimoire des sols.

Le territoire, tout surchargé qu'il est de traces et de lectures passées en force, ressemble à un palimpseste.

Corboz, André: Le Territoire Comme Palimpseste (1983)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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Beranger, Charles: Carte géologique de la France (1906)

So blickt er, mit diesem »Wir«, über das vergängliche wunderliche Einzelleben hinweg und fühlt sich selbst als den Haus-, Geschlechts- und Stadtgeist.

Nietzsche, Friedrich: Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Leben (1954)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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Expendable in Dionysos: Entropolis (2020)

Das Kleine, das Beschränkte, das Morsche und Veraltete erhält seine eigne Würde und Unantastbarkeit dadurch, daß die bewahrende und verehrende Seele des antiquarischen Menschen in diese Dinge übersiedelt und sich darin ein heimisches Nest bereitet. Die Geschichte seiner Stadt wird ihm zur Geschichte seiner selbst; er versteht die Mauer, das getürmte Tor, die Ratsverordnung, das Volksfest wie ein ausgemaltes Tagebuch seiner Jugend und findet sich selbst in diesem allen, seine Kraft, seinen Fleiß, seine Lust, sein Urteil, seine Torheit und Unart wieder.

Nietzsche, Friedrich: Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Leben (1954)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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Friedrich, Caspar David: Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer (1817)

  • romanticism

Zenon von Elea: Zeno's paradoxe 430 BC (1)

The famous cities all suffer from the same faceless sprawl at the periphery. One may reasonably ask, then, if a consistently imaginable metropolis (or even a city), is in fact possible.

Lynch, Kevin: The Image of the City (1960)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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  • fire
  • photography

Expendable in Dionysos: vis à vis (2020)


Bruegel, Pieter: The Tower of Babel (1563)

  • limit
  • babel
  • towerofbabel
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    Brusch Lukas, Malik Niti, Rutishauser Silvio
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Berthold, Werner: Erechtheion (2017)

  • athens
  • greece

Expendable in Dionysos: Timeline City (2020)

  • berlin
  • stadtschloss

Superstudio: Continuous Monument (1969)

  • newyork

BioQuest Studios: Slow Life (2014)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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Brueghel the Younger; Jan: Allegory of Fertility (1650)

  • fertility

Brian Kang: Abandoned City (2020)

Sambuichi, Hiroshi: Cisternerne (2017)

Delsaux, Cédric: Extraction of minerals (2007)

  • machine

Google Earth: Volubilis (2019)

Archigram: Plug-In City (1966)

Boutwell, Alan; Mitchell, Michael: Continuous city for 1.000.000 human beings (1969)

  • america

Nieuwenhuys, Constant: New Babylon (1959)

OMA: Yokohama Masterplan (1991)

Ebenezer Howard: Garden City of Tomorrow (1898)

  • city

Blomkamp, Neill: Elysium (2013)

Archigram: The Walking City (1966)

  • utopia
  • future
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    Karbeyaz Cagri, Reverberi Edoardo
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Each city receives its form from the desert it opposes; and so the camel driver and the sailor see Despina, a border city between two deserts.

Calvino, Italo: Invisible Cities (1972)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Google Earth: Las Vegas USA (2020)

  • contradiction

Ledoux Nicolas: Haus des Wassererters (1775)

Burkhart, Lukas: Textile Factory Schmidt (2011)

McNally Emma: Fields (2012)

Google Earth: Detroit (2018)

  • city
  • abandoned

Fischli, Peter; Weiss, David: Der Lauf der Dinge (1987)

  • object
  • movement
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    Milesi Allegra, Geistlich Aileen
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  • freedom
  • offer
  • choose
  • consumption

Graffunder, Heinz: Palast der Republik (1976)

  • berlin
  • ddr

Unknown: The white elephant (2019)

  • athens
  • olympic
  • sport

Google Earth: Black Rock City (2019)

Google Earth: Prypjat Ukraine (2017)

  • abandoned
  • destruction
  • tschernobyl

Everything goes, everything comes back; eternally rolls the wheel of being. Everything dies, everything blossoms again; eternally runs the year of being. Everything breaks, everything is joined anew; eternally the same House of Being is built. Everything parts, everything greets every other thing again; eternally the ring of being remains faithful to itself.

In every Now, being begins; round every Here rolls the sphere There. The center is everywhere. Bent is the path of eternity.

Nietzsche, Friedrich: Thus spoke zarathustra (1886)

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    Fest Leonie, Grünig Vanessa
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Edme Mariotte: Newton Pendel (1650)

  • physics
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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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Ungers Mathias: Morphologie: City Metaphors (1982)

  • chess


Burdett and Sudjic: The urban age (2006)

rem koolhaas: downtown athletic club (1976)

kisho kurokawa: nakagin capsule tower (1972)

Koolhaas, Rem: Parc de la Villette (1982)

  • oma
  • parody
  • competition
  • layers

Google Earth: Rome (2020)

  • vatican
  • stpeterssquare

Ebbets, Charles: lunch atop a skyscraper (1932)

  • newyork
  • skyscraper
  • lunch

Le Corbusier: Plan Obus (1933)

  • algiers

Franco Tim: Chenggong (2013)

Thall, Bob: Southeast Chicago (1988)

  • abandoned
  • suburbs

Max Planck Institut: Fusionsreaktor (2011)

IBM: plasmacomputer (2020)

Warhol also noticed that people who went to gallery openings were fascinated not by art on the walls but by the other people around them. The objects were expendabe because life was far more interesting; it was the real art.

Kishik, David: The Manhattan Project (2015)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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Franco Tim: Mongolia (2019)

  • contradiction
  • city

Unknown: Bondo (2017)

Ruscha, Edward: Every Building on the Sunset Strip (1966)

  • photography
  • losangeles

Alberti, Leon Battista: Urbino (1500)

  • renaissance

Ruiz, Oscar: Mexico City (2020)

U. S. Navy: Hiroshima (1945)

  • japan

[...] This is the opposite of the "romantic ruin" because the buildings don't fall into ruin after they are built but rather rise into ruin before they are built.

Smithson, Robert: The Monuments of Passaic (1963)

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    Honegger Jan, Wolfer Nico
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Google Earth: Circus Maximus (2019)

  • rome

Google Earth: Vajont Staudamm (2015)

  • italy

Google Earth: Aletschgletscher (2020)

Google Earth: Kolosseum (2019)

  • rome

Google Earth: Amazonas (2020)

  • brasil

Horn, Mark: Caiyuanba Bridge in Chongqing (2008)

  • china
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    Giacobbi Lucia, Kirchherr Janosch
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Google Earth: Angkor Wat (2020)

Google Earth: Schöneberger Südgelände (2020)

  • abandoned

Google Earth: Brasilia (2020)

  • Agent
  • Semester
  • Media
  • Type
  • comb

DigitalGlobe: Astrium (2014)

Chang, Kim: Utopia Incomplete II (2016)

  • abundance
  • excess
  • scarcity
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Smithson, Robert: Entropic Landscape (1970)

Expendable in Dionysos: Entropolis (2020)

Expendable in Dionysos: Entropolis (2020)

Expendable in Dionysos: Entropolis; Joker (2020)

  • traces

Expendable in Dionysos: Entropolis Orthophoto (2020)

Expendable in Dionysos: Entropolis (2020)

Expendable in Dionysos: Entrocity (2020)

Expendable in Dionysos: Entropolis (2020)

Expendable in Dionysos: Timeline City (2020)

Expendable in Dionysos: Timeline City (2020)

Expendable in Dionysos: City (2020)