S1E5 Dionysos

De Maria, Walter: The Lightning Field (1977)

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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Abundance in Dionysos: Nimis (2020)

  • movie
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Luycks, Christian: Nature morte de banquet avec orfèvrerie en argent et en métal doré, coquille de nautile, porcelaine, victuailles et autres motifs sur une table drapée (1650)

  • stilllife
  • aftermath
  • passivechaos
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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    Asimakis Matthew, Busqila Liat
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Sugimoto, Hiroshi: Movie Theater in Akron City (1980)

  • light
  • timelapse
  • panorama
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Le « temps » produit l' « histoire » et l' « échelle » de par son aptitude naturelle à spatialiser les phénomènes.

Philadelphia College of Art: Time (1977)

  • space
  • time
  • scale
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista: Fresco Residence Würzburg (1753)

  • fresco
  • fragments
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Et je vois que ce ne sont pas les corps qui donnent l’unité au monde car le monde est composé de contraires, mais plutôt l’espace qui s’interpose entre les corps séparés et lie le monde ensemble.

Campanella, Tommaso: La città del sole (1602)

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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Giacometti, Alberto: L'Objet Invisible (1934)

  • invisibility
  • nothingness
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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The term “void” implies that these spaces are emptied of the value that is associated with the prevailing ideology of cities. [...] A lack of value is what makes these vacant spaces appear as marginal and this marginality is precisely what gives the urban voids the possibilities that other urban spaces do not have.

Lopez-Pineiro, Sergio: A Glossary of Urban Voids (2020)

  • emptyness
  • urbanvoid
  • sensitivity
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Gronsky, Alexander: Pastoral (2014)

  • interference
  • multiplicity
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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NIMIS [ˈnɪ.mɪs]; ne- + the root of metior; not comparable.

_ Too, too much, excessively.

Nimis: Definition and Etymology (2020)

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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Abundance in Dionysos: Zoom I (2020)

  • zoom
  • orthophoto
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Abundance in Dionysos: Orthogif (2020)

  • gif
  • orthophoto
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Abundance in Dionysos: Orthophoto (2020)

  • orthophoto
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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In NIMIS, the polyphonic abundance of standpoints, voices, styles, languages translate into the emergence of a multitude of movements. Traveling through the city enables one to experience the lyricism of an urban mosaic formed by singular pieces of collective identity.

Their collision spans up a space of resonance, a silent gap. When we accept and enter the nothingness, the void starts blooming.

Abundance in Dionysos: Statement (2020)

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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Barragán, Luis: Cuadra San Cristobal (1968)

  • pool
  • colors
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Fat cows: years of abundance; thin cows: harvests of scarcity.

Serres, Michel: The Parasite (1982)

  • abundance
  • animal
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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De Hoop, Harmen: Basketball Court #7, Søndenborg (1992)

  • playground
  • infrastructure
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Abundance in Dionysos: COLLISION (2020)

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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Henner, Mishka: Coronado Feeders, Dalhart, Texas (2013)

  • void
  • desert
  • farming
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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De Hoop, Harmen: Basketball Court #5, Barcelona (1992)

  • playground
  • urbandecay
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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De Maria, Walter: The Lightning Field (1977)

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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Andre, Carl: Duet of Leaf and Stone (1985)

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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Barragán, Luis: Capilla De Las Capuchinas (1960)

  • holyplace
  • poetry
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Andre, Carl: Spill (1966)

  • randomize
  • city
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Abundance ought to be distinguished from any notion of affluence, excess or surplus. Unlike these, abundance is not the outgrowth of a temporary feature of some system benefit—which in a finite system must occur at the expense of another sector. [...] Primary abundance is indefinite in the sense that it is a potential not yet rated, which is not the same as being without value or worthless.

Bühlmann Vera, Hovestadt Ludger: Printed Physics: Metalithikum I, Applied Virtuality (2012)

  • physics
  • quantum
  • quantumworld
  • application
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Eisenman, Peter: Frank House (1975)

  • intrusion
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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To be oneself that noise, that music, that spectacle, that comedy, to realise oneself as both a thing and an illusory thing, and thus to be not simply a thing but also void and nothingness, to be the absolute emptiness of the absolute plenitude that fascinates from the outside, to be the circular, voluble vertigo of that nothingness and that being, to be at once the total abolition that is an enslaved consciousness and the supreme glory that is a sovereign consciousness.

Foucault, Michel: History of Madness (1961)

  • spectacle
  • illusion
  • void
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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De Hoop, Harmen: Sandbox, Amsterdam (1996)

  • playground
  • crossing
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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J’ose bien dire que, s’il n’y avait point de vide, il n’y aura point de mouvement, ou il faut admettre la pénétration des corps.

De Bergerac, Cyrano: Lettres sur divers sujets (1654)

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Brodsky, Alexander: Yuri Palmin Rotunda (2009)

  • centredvoid
  • opensystem
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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The notion of virtuality, therefore, assures a cohering and joining function between the two discontinuous orders, as between the two temporalities—imperceptible progression and definitive break—which scan the passage from nature to society.

Derrida, Jacques: Signature (2013)

  • inbetween
  • congestion
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Hockney, David: A Bigger Splash (1967)

  • shadow
  • pleasure
  • refraction
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Je participe à cette sollicitation du plein par le vide, à cette multiple insinuation de la mer illimitée jusqu’au plus profond de la cité humaine, à cette matière élastique, moelleuse et vibrante qui n’est plus qu’une sensibilité à la couleur, à cette propriété qui est la sienne de décoller de toute chose sa surface, à ce regard à l’envers, à cette équivoque continuelle entre la permanence et le contingent, à cet écho minutieux par qui tout ce qui existe devient la pensée de ce qui existe.

Claudel, Paul: L’oeil écoute (1946)

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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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Woodstock: Festival (1969)

  • excess
  • inhabitation
  • freezone
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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There's place intangible, a void and room.
For were it not, things could in nowise move;
Since body's property to block and check
Would work on all and at an times the same.
Thus naught could evermore push forth and go,
Since naught elsewhere would yield a starting place.

But now through oceans, lands, and heights of heaven,

By divers causes and in divers modes,

Before our eyes we mark how much may move,

Which, finding not a void, would fail deprived

Of stir and motion; nay, would then have been

Nowise begot at all, since matter, then,

Had staid at rest, its parts together crammed.

Lucretius: Of The Nature Of Things (73)

  • nature
  • void
  • atomists
  • 73
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    Epprecht Daniel, Walter Alex
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