Students: Shirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust Title:
Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul: The Tower of Babel (1563)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypePainting
- babel
- deconstruction
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230328
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deconstruction (n.)
a method of critical analysis of philosophical and literary language which emphasizes the internal workings of language and conceptual systems, the relational quality of meaning, and the assumptions implicit in forms of expression.
Oxford languages: Definition (2023)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypeFormula
- deconstruction
- definition
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230530
Battista Piranesi, Giovanni: Frammenti di marmo della Pianta di Roma antica [Marble fragments of the Plan of Ancient Rome] (1756)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypeCartography
- selectsomeoptions
- deconstruction
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230328
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Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul: In Between (2023)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypeDrawing
- selectsomeoptions
- deconstruction
- nolli
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230418
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Schmid, Walter: Istiklal Caddesi (1977)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypePhotography
- inbetween
- selectsomeoptions
- deconstruction
- layers
- language
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230328
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Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul: Friction (2023)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypeDrawing
- deconstruction
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230418
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Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul: Lost in translation (2023)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypeOther
- chaos
- deconstruction
- friction
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230404
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Intricate minglings of different uses in cities are not a form of chaos, on the contrary, they represent a complex and highly developed form of order
Jacobs, Jane: Quote, On The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypeFormula
- deconstruction
- quote
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230530
Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul: Istiklal Analysis (2023)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypeOther
- analysis
- deconstruction
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230530
Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul: Void - Figure (2023)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypeDrawing
- void
- deconstruction
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230530
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Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul: Agora (2023)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypePhotography
- deconstruction
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230516
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Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul: Design Plan (2023)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypeDrawing
- selectsomeoptions
- deconstruction
- designplan
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230530
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Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul: Elevation (2023)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypeDrawing
- selectsomeoptions
- deconstruction
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230502
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Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul: Inscription (2023)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Istanbul
- Media
- TypePhotography
- selectsomeoptions
- deconstruction
- Uploaded byShirley Rellstab, Gilles Reust
- Uploaded on230516
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Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul
- deconstruction (n.) a method of critical analysis of philosophical and literary language which…
Oxford languages
Battista Piranesi, Giovanni
Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul
Schmid, Walter
Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul
Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul
- Intricate minglings of different uses in cities are not a form of chaos, on the contrary, they…
Jacobs, Jane
Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul
Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul
Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul
Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul
Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul
Deconstruction in Pathfinder/Istanbul