S1E5 Dionysos

Struth, Thomas: Audience 4 (2004)

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Acceleration in Dionysos: Movie (2020)

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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Acceleration (n.)

Increase in the number of action and experience periods per unit of time.

Rosa, Hartmut: social acceleration (2005)

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Brueghel the Eldern, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul: Allegory of Taste, Touch and Hearing (1618)

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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Unknown: Airplane listener (1921)

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At first, like everyone, I liked the effects of light intoxication. Very soon, I liked that which is beyond violent intoxication, when you have passed this level: a magnificent and terrible peace, truly tasting the passage of time

debord, guy: panégyrique (1997)

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Acceleration in Dionysos: Investigation on the five senses (2020)

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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Navigate your city by alternative means, follow piles of smell, of sound, whatever. When a desire is a physical possibility, you must defy the stifling constraints of the social order and act upon your desire.

Payne, Oliver & Relph, Nick: Driftwood (1999)

  • skating
  • derive
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Caillebotte, Gustave: Rue de Paris, Temps de Pluie (1877)

  • domination
  • perspective
  • voyeur
  • dissolvingthewall
  • flaneur
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    De Martin Seraina, Studer Elisa
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To practice the senses does not mean only to use them, but to learn how to correctly judge with them, even to feel, since we can neither touch nor see nor hear if we have not learned how to do so.

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Emile (1762)

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Canali, Robert: In Dust: Untitled #2 (2010)

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Acceleration in Dionysos: Sensory map (2020)

  • 5senses
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Acceleration in Dionysos: Stimulus Orthophoto (2020)

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  • acceleration
  • dionysos
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Brüghel the Elder, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul: Vision (1617)

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  • 5senses
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Acceleration in Dionysos: Zoom: Vision (2020)

  • glaring
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Brüghel the Elder, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul: Smell (1617)

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  • 5senses
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Acceleration in Dionysos: Zoom: Smell (2020)

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  • scent
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Brüghel the Elder, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul: Taste (1618)

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  • 5senses
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Acceleration in Dionysos: Zoom: Taste (2020)

  • salt
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Brüghel the Elder, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul: Touch (1618)

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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Acceleration in Dionysos: Zoom: Touch (2020)

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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Brüghel the elder, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul: Hearing (1618)

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  • 5senses
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Acceleration in Dionysos: Zoom: Hearing (2020)

  • echo
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STIMULUS plays with the five senses of its citizens. In each district one of them is exacerbated and thus perceived more intensely. As the districts merge into one another, so do the different stimuli: superimposing and blurring into an ever-changing surround of intensification, attenuation, elusiveness and confusion.

Perpetually seeking the multitude of stimuli, the citizens drift through the city, impassioned by the various sensory experiences.

Acceleration in Dionysos: Statement (2020)

  • stimulus
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Van Haarlem, Cornelis: Before the deluge (1615)

  • party
  • orgie
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According to Kant, all our thinking is related to imagination, which means it is related to our senses, because the only way to describe an object is through imagination. The intellect is incapable of perceiving anything, and the senses cannot think. Only through a combination of both can knowledge arise.

Ungers, Oswald Matthias: Morphologie: City Metaphors (1982)

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Brueghel the Elder, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul: Allegory of Smell and Vision (1618)

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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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The spectacle's estrangement from the acting sub­ject is expressed by the fact that the individual's gestures are no longer his own; they are the gestures of someone else who represents them to him. The spectator does not feel at home anywhere, because the spectacle is everywhere.

Debord, Guy: The Society of the Spectacle (1967)

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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Unknown: Gabrielle d'Estrées and her sister the duchess of Villars (1594)

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Our society is characterized by a cancerous growth of vision, measuring everything by its ability to show or be shown and transmuting communication into a visual journey.

De Certeau, Michel: The practice of everyday life (1984)

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Unknown: Sensory training in childhood. Allegory of the Senses. (1893)

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  • 5senses
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The way we experience the world around us depends on how we perceive it. Without a comprehensive vision, the reality will appear as a mass of unrelated phenomena and meaningless facts, in other words, totally chaotic. In such a world it would be like living in a vacuum: everything would be of equal importance; nothing could attract our attention; and there would be no possibility to utilise the mind.

Ungers, Oswald Matthias: Morphologie: City Metaphors (1982)

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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Froriep, L.: Isolierung des Gesichts- und Hörsinns (1846)

  • 5senses
  • isolation
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Diller Scofidio + Renfro: Blurr Building (2002)

  • swissexpo
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Unknown: Echo Wall at Tempel of Heaven (1420)

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Diotisalvi: Pisa Baptistery (1363)

  • echo
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Morse, Ralph: Anechoic Chamber (1963)

  • silence
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Payne, oliver & Relph, nick: driftwood (1999)

  • city
  • derive
  • skating
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Schaeffer, Pierre: Etude aux chemins de fer (1948)

  • music
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McLean, Kate: Smellscape Le Marais (2018)

  • smellscape
  • lemarais
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Candilis, Josic, Woods: Fort-Lamy Stem and Web (1965)

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    Bovet Milena, Kirchhofer Ann-Sophia
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Olmsted, Frederick Law: Emerald Necklace (1864)

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Christo ,Jeanne Claude: Valley Curtain (1972)

Foster, Norman: L'ombrière de Marseille (2013)

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Dérive (n.)

One of the basic situationist practices is the dérive (“drifting”), a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances. Dérives involve playful-constructive behavior and awareness of psychogeographical effects, and are thus quite different from the classic notions of journey or stroll.

debord, guy: theory of the dérive (1958)

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  • internationalsituatinists
  • derive
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Burckhardt, Lucius: Autofahrerspaziergang (1993)

  • spaziergangstheorie
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Stevenson cassatt, mary: in the loge (1878)

  • observedobserver
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Brown, Angus Leadley: Synchroballistic skateboarding (2003)

  • synchroballisticphotography
  • skating
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Stettner, Louis: Brooklyn Promenade (1954)

  • newyork
  • derive
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Namuth, Hans: Jackson Pollock (1950)

  • emotions
  • actionpainting
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hollein, hans: non-physical environment (1967)

  • drugs
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unknown: whirling dervishes (2010)

  • dance
  • tradition
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neugeboren, Heinrich: es moll fuge by J. S. bach translated into a modell (1928)

  • classicalmusic
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Thus then the intricate relation of the Apollonian and the Dionysian in tragedy must really be symbolised by a fraternal union of the two deities: Dionysus speaks the language of Apollo; Apollo, however, finally speaks the language of Dionysus; and so the highest goal of tragedy and of art in general is attained.

nietzsche, friedrich: the birth of tragedy (1872)

  • apollo
  • dionysos
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Brown, Angus Leadley: synchroballistic image of a piano player (2006)

  • music
  • synchroballisticphotography
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Acceleration in Dionysos: Investigation on the 5 senses (2020)

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Everything that moves, is moved by a mover.

Aristotle: Metaphysics (1)

  • mover
  • aristotle
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Grieg, Edvard: In the hall of the Mountain King (1875)

  • grieg
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Baumgartner, Felix: Red Bull Stratos (2012)

  • space
  • jump
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Reggio, Godfrey: Koyaanisqatsi (1982)

  • explosion
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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Die Bremsen los! Ihr könnt nicht? Brecht sie denn,
daß sich des Motors Schwung verhundertfacht!
Hurrah! Die niedre Erde fesselt mich nicht mehr.
Endlich befrei ich mich und fliege schon

Marinetti, Filippo: A l’automobil (1905)

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Acceleration (n.)

The rate at which something moves more quickly or happens faster or sooner.

Cambridge dictionary: Definition of acceleration (2020)

  • acceleration
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