ANOTHER MIRACLE.- The Interet Public of Tarbes says :- A considerable agitation has been of late manifested in the neighbourhood of Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées), by a visit which a young girl of fourteen, named Bernadette Savi [...] pays every morning early to a grotto [...]. This girl affirms that the Virgin Mary appeared to her, and ordered that she should every morning for a fortnight ray in the grotto during the space of half-an-hour. A vast number of persons accompany her in her visits, believing in the truth of her assertion. [...] We understand that not less than 5,000 persons are present now each morning near the grotto, and that the authorities are beggining to disapprove of such assemblages.

The Magnet: Another Miracle, Cover Page (1858)

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  • Type
  • lourdes
  • theophany
  • miracle
  • Uploaded by
    Martin, Juliette & Müller, Leo
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