In reference to a type of perspective in drawings (1660s), from ortho- “true, correct” + -graphic “of or pertaining to drawing,” derived from Greek orthographia, from orthos ‘correct’ + -graphia ‘writing’. Meaning of “belonging to the writing of words with proper letters,” or “relating to the spelling of words” (by 1868) derived from orthography.




From Late Latin strata, used elliptically for via strata “paved road,” from Latin sternere “lay down, spread out, pave,” from PIE *stre-to- “to stretch, extend,” from root *stere- “to spread, extend, stretch out.” Related: stratum (singular noun of pluralstrata) meaning a “horizontal layer,” from Latin stratum “thing spread out, pavement, blanket,” from stratus “prostrate or prone.”

Etymology Online: Orthographic; Street (2020)

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