Polus is a city suspended in full-bloom. Amidst a bounded clearing, an assemblage of urban rooms unfold from a compacted centre. Decadent interiorised worlds—dome, gallery, garden square—proliferate endlessly, each room filling and spilling into others. Continuous doorways, stairways, colonnades, connect interiors such that the outermost room might always be traced back to the central chamber. Growth is enacted via arborescent sequencing that tends towards supersaturation and the eventual overwhelm of its own logic. From the centre-out, enfilade arrangements give over to unravelling passages that promote fragmentary encounter.


This constructed fabric is located amidst an encroaching surround of another abyssal structure: a wild and un-mappable expanse. Hyper-verdant ecologies—dense forest, sharp cliff, flooding lake—invade the urban periphery and render it unstable. As the two conditions intensify and forge, they come to be seen as mutually enframed entities.

Abundance in Variables: Statement (2020)

  • Uploaded by
    Asimakis Matthew, Busqila Liat
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