Virus is characterized by its infective nature and interaction with the host, from singularity to plurality as group and system. The unpredictability caused by the virality mainly comes from its uncontrolled propagation and mutation nature. However, if we turn it into something controllable, then the conditions will be completely changed. Therefore, thinking about a viral future, we envision a city that based on this idea of a controllable viral propagation, based on its rationalized and dynamically changeable structure that guarantee the equilibrium of the city. Under the reciprocal interaction of contagion and resistance factor, the direction and efficient of the viral propagation and transmission can be described by the R0 value, which means the average number of people will be infected by an infected in the end. By manipulating this R0 value through the changeable structure the city, which means some of its parts in a hyper-connected state in a propagating scenario (R0 >1), or dissociated and isolated state in a controlling scenario (R0 < 1), then the flow of propagation will be directed in a wanted ratio and direction (R0=1), according to the infectiveness of the virus and the vulnerability of the groups, turning epidemic into endemic situation and achieving “ herd immunity” in the end. The synthesis is a balanced and endemic-liked coexistence.


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    He Xingyu, Sirotti Andrea
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