Chris Marker
Alex Morrell
Gerhard Richter
Aby Warburg
Hansel Virte
Magritte, René
Hans Josephsohn
Romeo Castellucci
Robert Zemeckis
Clement, Ben; de la Cour, Sebastian
Stanley Kubrik
Thomas Cole
- ethic [ eth-ik ] the body of moral principles or values governing or distinctive of a particular…
de Goya, Francisco
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Yann Salzmann Loïc Cao
Hitchcock, Alfred
Tezel, Tunc
Von Eick, Sven
- mens rea [ menz ree-uh ] law a criminal intention or knowledge that an act is wrong. It is assumed…
Scorsese, Martin
- Dass schliesslich die transscendentale Aesthetik nicht mehr, als diese zwei Elemente, nämlich Raum…
Kant, Immanuel
Hopper, Edward
Mendelson, Erich
Hans Hoblein Le Jeune
- Grosse Zeiträume schrumpfen bei ununterbrochener Gleichförmigkeit auf eine das Herz zu Tode…
Mann, Thomas
WIliman Holman Hunt
Stadt Zürich
- Wir messen nicht nur die Bewegung mittels der Zeit, sondern auch mittels der Zeit die Bewegung und…
David Lynch
Kircher, Athanasius
Lygia Clark
- That the sun will not rise tomorrow is no less intelligible a proposition, and implies no more…
David Hume
David Lynch
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Deana Lawson
Hélio Oiticica
David Lynch
Alfred Hitchcock
- Noise, eythmology : from old french noise, possibly from Latin nausia, nausea, or alternatively…
wiktionary/digitalised treasury of the french language
Ila Bêka And Louise Lemoine
- 0 decibels threshold of hearing … 10 decibels human breathing … 20 decibels rustling of leaves … 30…
Kosko, Bart
Jamie Uys
David Cronenberg
Jacek Yerka
- Revolution (n.) From Late Latin “revolutio -onis” revolt, return. Derived from “revolvere” turn…
Grimaldi, Virginia; Perazzi, Giovanni
Richard Long
- Noise is a nuisance because it is a bad signal that interferes with a good signal or that…
Kosko, Bart
V. Gorokov
McCurry, Steve
van Doesburg, Theo
Ruben, Christian
- Die Wachträume ziehen, sofern sie echte Zukunft enthalten, allesamt in dieses Noch- Nicht-…
Bloch, Ernst
- Auf dem Weg von der Quelle zum Ziel wird der Trieb psychisch wirksam. Wir stellen ihn vor als einen…
Freud, Sigmund
- Viruses are obligatory cellular parasites and are thus wholly dependant upon the integrity of the…
- Take all the clocks and watches in the town. Set each one to an arbitrary time, arbitrarily, or…
Ono, Yoko
Signer, Roman
- As a former theatre of the tabula rasa, Singapore now has the tenuous quality of a freeze frame, of…
Koolhaas, Rem
Google Earth
Google Earth
Google Earth
Fischli, Peter; Weiss, David
Albers, Anni
- These ambiguities, redundances, and deficiencies recall those attributed by Dr. Franz Kuhn to a…
Borges, Jorge Luis
- 1. The arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other acoording to a…
Ed Ruscha
- Everything became softly amorphous, as if the china of the plate flowed and the steel of the knife…
Woolf, Virginia
Hopper, Edward
- An assemblage is a multiplicity which is made up of many heterogeneous terms and which establishes…
Deleuze, Gilles; Parnet, Claire
Fest, Leonie; Grünig Vanessa
Duchamps, Marcel
Lelouch, Claude
Vasarely, Victor
Van Gogh, Vincent
Dombis, Pascal
- The relations of the cyclical and the linear – interactions, interferences, the domination of one…
Lefebre, Henri
- The alphabet is a construct of fragmented bits and parts which have no semantic meaning in…
McLuhan, Marshall
Darwin, Charles
Jun Paik, Nam
- A landscape of time in which events suddenly take the place of relief, of vegetation; in which the…
Virilio, Paul
- Let us take our mind off the space subtending the movement and concentrate solely on the movement…
Bergson, Henri
- The image floats, in sum, at the whim of the swells…poised over the abyss, soaked by the sea, but…
Nancy, Jean-Luc
Walther, Franz Erhard
Reggio, Godfrey
Chang, Kim
Welles, Orson