Virus in Variables
Google Earth
Google Earth
OMA, Koolhaas, rem
Cao, loic, Salzmann, yann
Virus in Variables
Loïc Cao Yann Salzmann
Ebenezer Howard
John portman
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Sandro Botticelli
Virus in Variables
Virus in Variables
Claude Monet
Wachsmann, Konrad
McMillan, David
Pippin, Steven
Peter Fischli David Weiss
- On a strict horizontal plane, stable or unstable flows of water constantly exchange places. Space…
Serres, Michel
- INIFINITE + PERIODICAL … Infinite I have just written. I have not interpolated this adjective…
Borges, Jorge Luis
Kohler, Gramazio
- Suppose within every book there is another book, and within every letter on every page another…
Mantel, Hilary
- Beyond the end, beyond all finality, we enter a paradoxical state—the state of too much reality…
Baudrillard, Jean
- VALUE OF MESSAGE … They don’t say, ‘What do I have to say? What is worthy of being offered, of…
Damasio, Alain
- When it was announced that the Library contained all books, the first reaction was unbounded joy.
Borges, Jorge Luis
- The Wikipedians consider themselves as the Great Library’s heirs, their mission the gathering of…
Gleick, James
Noise in variables
Noise in variables
- The city conceives and constructs itself as an ordered and geometric clearing in the midst of a…
Bailly, Jean-Christophe
- Although Proust knew exactly where he was heading when he put together his masterwork—he began with…
Boxer, Sarah
- And they leap so looply, looply as they link to light. And they look so loovely, loovelit, noosed…
Joyce, James
- Twilight manifests what Andre Leroni-Ghorhan has called “itinerant space”…Such spaces and the…
Christ & Gantenbein
- Wagner proposes...to extend the melodic activity invested in aria to the entire composition...the…
Rasula, Jed
- ...the matter is neither of explaining nor of defining but only of describing (in a nonexhaustive…
Barthes, Roland
- With Roland Barthes, the "and" takes on a radically different function. Instead of drawing together…
Tawa, Michael
- ...in a multiplicity, what counts are not the terms or the elements, but what is ‘between’ them…
Deleuze, Gilles
- POLIS … “ancient Greek city-state" (1894), from Greek polis "citadel, fort, city, one's city; the…
Etymology Online
Mr. Shelswell
Rybczynski, Zbigniew
Google Earth
Vasconcellos, Cássio
Vasconcellos, Cássio
Schütte-Lihotzky, Margarete
- Repetition generating difference is alteration. When invariable repetition is reduced to the…
Fritschi, Sandro, Wyss, Oliver
Tange, Kenzo
Koolhaas, rem
Nick Hannes
Heinrich Klotz
Thomas Struth
- You never desire someone or something, you always desire an aggregate. I mean, I don't desire a…
Gilles Deleuze
Savador Dali
- Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke
Bertrand Stofleth
Alfred Seilan
- Amsterdam asleep in the sleepless night, the canals of … dark jade under the small snowy bridges…
Albert Camus
La Dolce Vita
Michelangelo Antonioni
- All the world powers have built one day their monumental driveway, giving a perspectival shortcut…
Jean Baudrillard
Tokyo Sonata
Thomas Struth
Man Ray
Speed in variables
- There is no desire that does not flow into a layout, to desire is to build a layout, a whole.
Gilles Deleuze
Nolan, Christopher
Niccol, Andrew
- It's hard for a westerner to comprehend this indonesian City Making. But it's a good exercise. It…
la cecla, franco
- It also happens that, if you move along Marozia's compact walls, when you least expect it, you see…
calvino, italo
- Once the prospective city: the city created by people's activities overlaps with the contextual…
Mehrotra, Rahul
- As cities change and evolve constantly according to their contexts and circumstances and patterns…
Mehrotra, Rahul
otto, frei
kahn, louis
otto, frei
- Our lives are a strange journey through time.
Nolan, Christopher
Berry, Frances
Mondrian, Piet
Fellini, Federico
brodsky, Alexander
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
descartes, rené
- I like to think (and … the sooner the better!) of a cybernetic meadow … where mammals and computers…
Richard Brautigan
Tawney, Lenore