Dillier, Paul + Leyel, John
Buckminster Fuller, Richard
- control (v.) early 15c., countrollen, "to check the accuracy of, verify; to regulate," from…
Online Etymology Dictionary
- The old men in my village used to say, "Everything changes by the colour of the glass you see it…
Jarmusch, Jim
- control (n.) 1580s, "act of keeping under authority and regulation, fact of checking and directing…
Online Etymology Dictionary
- Cities have become a positive and potent force for addressing sustainable economic growth…
- Trompe-l'œil (/trɒmp ˈlɔɪ/ tromp LOY, French: [tʁɔ̃p lœj]; French for 'deceive the eye') is an art…
- Limitation means to deal with what you have and what you can do with it. It implies a choice and a…
Atelier JQTS
Dorbritz, Robert
Agentur Umsicht
Daryl, Mitchell
Samson, Thomas
Hitchcock, Alfred
Wehrli AG
Cerdà, Ildefons
Lambot, Ian
Lumière, Louis
Schmidli, Philipp
James, JR
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Utopia London
Vanderlyn, John
Miller, Johnny
- The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the…
John Locke
Google Earth
Bacon, Francis
- Event and space do not merge, but affect one another. […] For a while the transgression would be…
Tschumi, Bernard
- If violence is the key metaphor for the intensity of a relationship, then the very physicality of…
Tschumi, Bernard
Zhenxing, Li
- limit (v.) late 14c., "set limits to, restrict within limits" (also "prescribe, fix, assign"), from…
Online Etymology Dictionary
Elmgreen, Michael; Dragset, Ingar
- limit (n.) c. 1400, "boundary, frontier," from Old French limite "a boundary," from Latin limitem…
Online Etymology Dictionary
- PARODY … as process … as reality … as intoxication … as PARODY
Hall, Ruby; Honshuku, Yutaro
- Having stated the erasure of the early trace, Heidegger can therefore, in a contradiction without…
- The demands of the "Transcendental Signifier" are nothing less than demands to regulate this…
Miyakawa, Atsushi
- Différer in this sense is to temporize, to take recourse consciously or unconsclously, in the…
Derrida, Jacques
- Proust did not write pastiches to raise a laugh. He was doing his homework, just as Schumann did…
Couronne de France
Van der Laan, Hans
Zemeckis, Robert
Unknown, age 46
Google Earth
Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates
- […] business has closed down not only the strangeness of the unconscious, but also, even more…
Fisher, mark
- True reason is not free of the contamination of madness, but on the contrary, it borrows some of…
Foucault, Michel
Carroll, Lewis
Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates
- […] even glimmers of alternative political and economic possibilities can have a disproportionately…
Fisher, mark
Lenz, niklas and Ragonesi, david
- A complex adaptive system is a system that is complex in that it is a dynamic network of…
Eisenman, peter
- ‘Or else it doesn’t, you know. The name of the song is called “Haddock’s Eyes.”’ … ‘Oh, that’s the…
Carroll, Lewis
Davioud, gabriel and Bourdais, jules
Otto, frei
Palladio, Andrea
Le Corbusier
Parity Group
Wassily Kandinsky
Michael Osborne
Gramazio Kohler Research
Sven-Erik Sjöberg
Gustave Doré
- We are in the epoch of simultaneity... of the near and far, of the side-by-side, of the dispersed...
Foucault, Michel
Miller, John
- Memory conformity, also known as social contagion of memory, refers to the phenomenon where…
- If memory and forgetting are significant in Certeau’s work, it is in part because they point to the…
Caldicott, Edric; Fuchs, Anne
- The order that makes a present territory share an identity with that of its past is rhythmical…
Brighenti, Andrea; Kärrholm, Mattias
Cronenberg, David
- To do everything, to do nothing, to have everything, to have nothing, to do it all, to do not any…
Seward Burroughs, William
Dillier, Paul + Leyel, John
- If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.
Stephen Hawking
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Nolan, Christopher
Cassavetes, John
- We are looking at the human body and its environment. They are moving, have relative speed to each…
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Aliverti, Tommaso; Cigolini, Federico
- if every tool could perform its own work when ordered, or by seeing what to do in advance, like the…
- I should tell you of the hidden [city of] Berenice, the city of the just . . . linking a network of…
Calvino, Italo
- Intoxication must already have heightened the sensitivity of the whole machine: otherwise, no art…
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Smithson, Peter; Alison
Maxart Technology
Duchamp, Marcel
- I can't go on, I'll go on.
Beckett, Samuel
Kasarda, John