Metzker, Ray K.
McCall, Robert
Boileau, Louis Auguste
Nasa Interational Space Station
Kelby, Scott
Vincenzo Coronelli
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Bruegel the Elder, Pieter
Merisi, Michelangelo da Caravaggio
Magritte, René
- The spectacle is not a collection of images, but a social relation among people, mediated by images.
Debord, Guy
Leonidov, Ivan Ilyich
Velázquez, Diego
Collins English Dictionary
- I was tempted to put a door here, in case they make too much problems. But that would’ve been too…
Father Akhoyan, Samuel
- Against this, societies who do not build substantial structures tend to group their activities…
Banham, Reyner
Pasolini, Pier Paolo
François Dallegret
Walker, A.B.
Bo Bardi, Lina
- fluidity. noun [state of being fluid] the quality of being likely to change repeatedly and…
Oxford Dictionary
Weiner, Cyrille
- domination. noun [lat. dominari, to be master]
Oxford Dictionary
Goldstein, Grigory
Van der Rohe, Mies
- Zola’s project of „seeing all and telling all“ could no longer accommodate this kind of obscurity:
Hamon, Philippe
- Empathy with the commodity is fundamentally empathy with the exchange value itself. The flaneur is…
Benjamin, Walter
- For Benjamin, the flaneur is the primary tool for interpreting modern culture. He is the observer…
Seal, Bobby
Aarons, Slim
Etienne-Louis Boullée
- It sounds rather banal, but there’s something about fragmentariness of the site that permits…
Coen Uzzielli, Tania
- Along with the limiting of doors came another technique aimed at limiting the necessary intercourse…
Evans, Robin
- I believe we have to embrace less reassuring, more febrile ideas of living together, those…
Sennett, Richard
Caillebotte, Gustave
Struth, Thomas
Fragonard, Jean-Honoré
- Memory - the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.
Oxford Dictionaries
Lacan, Jacques
Hayez, Francesco
Waterhouse, John William
- I'm not crazy - my reality is just different from yours.
Carroll, Lewis
Caillebotte, Gustave
Digital Globe, Rex
Ungers, O.M.
The Promenader
Gorski, Markus
Ohrberg, Mick
- A network can be destroyed by noises that attack and transform it, if the codes in place are unable…
Attali, Jacques
- Noise is the random superposition of several harmonic vibrations of different frequency and…
Hameg instruments
Anderson, Wes
Barbosa, Lucas V.
- In the technological frenzy of the time, the natural movement of the human body appears slow and…
Koolhaas, Rem
Magritte, René
- Das Komische an einem Menschen ist das, was an ein Ding erinnert. Es ist das, was an einen starren…
Bergson, Henri
de Moura Teles, Rodrigo
rodam spencer stanhope, john
Gagnon, Bernard
Victorian Business Advertising Trade Card
Richard Rummel
Zoe Zenghelis
Serlio, Sebastiano
Monet, Claude
John Soane
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio
- It is requisite for the good of the human community that there should be persons who devote…
St. Thomas Aquinas
Godard, Jean-Luc
Anadol, Refik
Schick, Conrad
van Oostsanen, Jacob Cornelisz.
- The expression "public opinion" refers to the tasks of criticism and control which a public body of…
Jürgen Habermas
Baťha, Matěj
- For it is the nature of men to be bound by the benefits they confer as much as by those they…
Macchiavelli, Niccolo
Eisen, Charles
Paul Strand
Hopper, Edward
- Extimacy is a sharing of its interior towards an undefined other.
- What can you do against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments…
Orwell, George
Tati, Jacques
Teske, Edmund
Locatelli, Luca
Botticelli, Sandro
nomad in order
Monty Python
- [...] , one of the differentiating characteristics between settlers and nomads is the nomad's…
Makimoto, Tsugio & Manners, David