Titarenko, Alexey
Google Earth Pro
Burtynsky, Edward
Marey, Etienne-Jules
Moore, Henry
Jessica Bützberger; Maude Voutat
Yamasaki, Minoru
Google Maps
- The front view doesn't allow you to predict what the rear view might look like. Sculpture is like a…
Moore, Henry
Google Earth
- (Social) space and (social) time, dominated by exchange become the time space of markets; although…
Lefebvre, Henri
google imagery
lang, bernhard
necessity in constants
- synergy (n.): the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other…
Oxford English Dictionary
- I too am surprised, like you. Or rather was. I am already starting to get used to it.
Ionesco, Eugène
- To have Leisure is to be allowed. It implies a state of total freedom. We are creating a context of…
Leisure in Constants
Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm
The Bioscope
- The everyday establishes itself, creating hourly demands, systems of transport, in short, its…
Lefebvre, Henri
Hitchcock, Alfred
The Graphic
botticelli, sandro
Sugimoto, Hiroshi
- Different times are not simultaneous, but successive (just as different spaces are not successive…
Kant, Immanuel
Google Earth
Google Earth Pro
- The contour as a "place" is in fact the place of an exchange in two directions
Deleuze, Gilles
Metzker Ray K.
Antonio manetti
Wiene, Robert
S'Gravesande, Gulielmo Jacobo
Shiga, Lieko
Frank zybach
Google Earth
- Early in Greek history (10th–8th centuries BC), free-born citizens would gather in the agora for…
peppas, lynn
jasper moleman
detroit publishing co
fuller, buckminster
jim urquart
Kahn, Louis
lori sammartino
Google Earth
Domingez, Oscar; Arp, Jean; Taeuber-Arp, Sophie; Jean, Marcel
Google Earth Pro
Reggio, Godfrey
Google Earth
Stockton, Maurice
Bracciolini, Poggio
Pitteloud, Stéphanie
Beltrá, Daniel
Bridier-Nahmias, Antoine
Google Earth
Google Earth Pro
Google Earth Pro
- The 'short term' has replaced the 'long term' and made of instantaneity its ultimate ideal. While…
Bauman, Zygmunt
- No memory can preserve the past. What remains is only that “which society in each era can…
Assmann, Jan
Stumpff, F.J.
- Whatever is fitted in any sort to excite the ideas of pain, and danger, that is to say, whatever is…
Burke, Edmund
Fournier, Vincent
Fournier, Vincent
Paglen, Trevor
Girard, Greg
- In this sense, the brain contributes to the recall of the useful recollection, but still more to…
Bergson, Henri
Beshty, Walead
Fathi, David
Parr, Martin
Jalongo, Valerio
Boullée, Etienne-Louis
von Hildebrandt, Johann Lukas
Atkinson & Shiffrin
Banham, Reyner; Dallegret, François
Cellarius, Andreas
- The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Google Earth
- Anarchy is order without power.
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
Google Earth
Sky, Alison
- Farther on, steps lead down to the sea, to fishermen's taverns installed in natural grottoes. As…
Benjamin, Walter; Lacis, Asja
- sedentary (adj.): French sédentaire from Classical Latin sedentarius from sedens, present…
Webster's New World College Dictionary
diCorcia, Philip-Lorca
Weir, Peter