Ban, Paul Theodor; Marin Martinez, Juan
De Maria, Walter
Ban, Paul Theodor; Marin Martinez, Juan
Ban, Paul Theodor; Marin Martinez, Juan
Ban, Paul Theodor; Marin Martinez, Juan
Ban, Paul Theodor; Marin Martinez, Juan
Ban, Paul Theodor; Marin Martinez, Juan
Anna Rothstein, Gina Bollinger
Güller Anya, Meier Nicolas
Anna Rothstein, Gina Bollinger
Voyager 1
Güller Anya, Meier Nicolas
Sternfeld, Joel
Güller Anya, Meier Nicolas
Güller Anya, Meier Nicolas
Güller Anya, Meier Nicolas
Schultz Jannis / Stoessel Linda
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli, Ladina
Jannis, Schultz / Stoessel, Linda
Güller Anya, Meier Nicolas
- You Were Real. That's What Made You So Good To Watch.
Weir, Peter
Güller Anya, Meier Nicolas
- We Accept The Reality Of The World With Which We're Presented. It's As Simple As That.
Weir, Peter
Paas Elsa Matache Maria
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli
Paas Elsa Matache Maria
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli, Ladina
Paas Elsa Matache Maria
Paas Elsa Matache Maria
Humble John
John Humble
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli, Ladina
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli, Ladina
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli, Ladina
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli, Ladina
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli, Ladina
- Two hundred years of american technology has unwittingly created a massive cement playground of…
Stecyk, Craig
Peter Fischli & David Weiss
Casagrande, Marco; Morgenthaler, Stefan
Departement of City Planning
Zeller, Nora; Nikolic, Nikola
Hockney, David
Casagrande, Marco; Stefan, Morgenthaler
Sternfeld, Joel
Wall, Jeff
Casagrande, Marco; Morgenthaler, Stefan
Casagrande, Marco; Morgenthaler, Stefan
- The city is a closed place, inside and outside at the same time, designed to protect its internal…
Casagrande Marco; Morgenthaler Stefan
- The TAZ is "utopian" in the sense that it imagines an intensification of everyday life, or - as the…
Bey, Hakim
- We are looking for "unmonitored spaces" (geographical, social, cultural, imaginary) that can…
Nieuwenhuys, Constant
Nieuwenhuys, Constant
Yamamoto, Yohji
Denton, Bryan
National Geographic
Skid Robot
Casagrande, Marco; Morgenthaler Stefan
Casagrande, Marco; Morgenthaler, Stefan
Nauman, Bruce
Joel Nuss
Talos, Dominic
Cortese, Frederico
Rothstein, Anna ; Bollinger, Gina
Talos, Dominic
Rothstein, Anna ; Bollinger, Gina
Duchamp, Marcel
Ted Levine/Getty Images
Güller Anya, Meier Nicolas
- Can the resident become the protagonist of his own fiction ?
Vogel, Dominik; Born, Matthew
Schultz Jannis / Stoessel Linda
Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria
Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria
Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria
Born, Matthew; Vogel, Dominik
Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria
Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria
Schultz, Jannis / Stoessel, Linda
Schultz, Jannis / Stoessel Linda
Schultz, Jannis / Stoessel, Linda
Vogel, Dominik; Born, Matthew
Adams, Robert
- [...] We have the possibility of creating new types of virtual communities, where we engage…
Turkle, Sherry
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli Ladina
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli Ladina
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli Ladina
Bruderer Anne-Sophie; Naegeli Ladina
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli Ladina
Bruderer, Anne-Sophie; Naegeli Ladina
Ban, Paul Theodor; Marin Martinez, Juan
Gjon Mili
Ban, Paul Theodor; Marin Martinez Juan