- Dada als Narrenspiel
Ball, Hugo
Klee, Paul
- Simulacra and Simulation
Baudrillard, Jean
- From the day when we first learned how to breathe and how to keep himself alive, through the…
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
- We have two kinds of evidence of the passage of time. One is rhythmic repetition-the heartbeat…
Lynch, Kevin
- It is not the church we want, but the sacrifice; not the emotion of admiration, but the act of…
Ruskin, John
- Mein Gehorsam gibt mir Anteil an der Macht, die ich verehre, und daher fühle ich mich stark. Ich…
Fromm, Erich
- You got to get in to get out.
Coen, Joel; Coen; Ethan
Aronofsky, Darren
Cronenberg, David
Magritte, René
- The word 'be' in the English language contains [...] the categorical imperative of permanent…
Burroughs, William S.
- The spectacle which inverts the real is in fact produced. Lived reality is materially invaded by…
Debord, Guy
- The city, however, does not tell its past, but contains it like the lines of a hand, written in the…
Calvino, Italo
Becher, Bernd; Becher, Hilla
- Indeed, to stubbornly conditioned ears, anything new in music has always been called noise. But…
Varèse, Edgard; Wen-chung, Chou
Tschakert, Frank
Bick, Elizabeth
Scorsese, Martin
- Alles geht, Alles kommt zurück; ewig rollt das Rad des Seins. Alles stirbt, Alles blüht wieder auf…
Nietzsche, Friedrich
- A child in the dark, gripped with fear, comforts himself by singing under his breath. [...] Lost…
Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Félix
Vidor, King
- The territory is first of all the critical distance between two beings of the same species: Mark…
Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Félix
- The only true voyage of discovery [...] would be not to visit strange lands but to possess other…
Proust, Marcel
- Motion sickness can be devided into three categories: 1. by motion that is felt but not seen. 2. by…
Krumwiede, Keith
Kingma, Carlijn
- noise (n.) [...] apparently from Latin nausea "disgust, annoyance, discomfort," literally…
Online Etymology Dictionary
Fisk, Harold
- The representations generated by a certain state of affairs were misunderstood as the cause of this…
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Paik, Nam June
Eisen, Charles-Dominique-Joseph
Uys, Jamie
Hirst, Damien
Zemeckis, Robert
Fellini, Federico
Tinguely, Jean
Sharp, Oscar; Goodwin, Ross
- When civilization [population] increases, the available labor again increases. In turn, luxury…
Chaldūn, Ibn
Roth, Dieter
Welles, Orson
Ligeti, György
Hodler, Ferdinand
Kahn, Idris
Matta-Clark, Gordon
Resnais, Alain; Marker, Chris; Cloquet Ghislain
Warhol, Andy
Queysanne, Bernard
Cocteau, Jean
Serra, Richard
Paradschanow, Sergei
- Difference and Repetition is both the title of Gilles Deleuze's thesis and Tarde's fundamental…
Latour, Bruno
- Sie werden überrascht sein, mich auf Ihre Frage, woran ich glaube oder was ich am höchsten stelle…
Mann, Thomas
- Wenn die Welt als bestimmte Größe von Kraft und als bestimmte Zahl von Kraftcentren gedacht werden…
Nietzsche, Friedrich
- We can see that repetition is a necessary and justified conduct only in relation to that which…
Deleuze, Gilles
Kon, Satoshi
- Finally, there seem to be but three ways for a nation to acquire wealth. The first is by war, as…
Franklin, Benjamin
McKay, Adam
Aronofsky, Darren
Lisberger, Steven
- Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white paper void of all characters, without any…
Locke, John
- Men never work any good unless through necessity, but where choice abounds and one can make use of…
- Corruption occurs when the corrupt gain is greater than the penalty multiplied by the likelyhood of…
- Dementsprechend soll auch der Mensch als … Geschöpf und Ebenbild Gottes integer sein: Ein…
- Every judgement of conscience, be it right or wrong, be it about things evil in themselves or…
Aquinas, Saint Thomas
Sosnowska, Monika
Venus von Milo
Botticelli, Sandro
Kazanjian, Jim
Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm
- Sedentary space is striated, by walls, enclosures, and roads between enclosures, while nomad space…
Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Félix
Jodorowsky, Alexandro
Jin, Youth
Halsman, Philippe
Tarkovsky, Andrei
- The nomad is not at all the same as the migrant; for the migrant goes principally from one point to…
- Whereas the migrant leaves behind a milieu that has become amorphous or hostile, the nomad is one…
- The water point is reached only in order to be left behind; every point is a relay and exists only…
Jonze, Spike
- Only that obscurity is a chaos from which a world can spring.
Von Schlegel, Friedrich
- Everything can happen, everything is possible and probable. Time and place do not exist; on an…
Strindberg, August
- If desire produces, its product is real. If desire is productive, it can be productive only in the…
Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Félix
Poelzig, Hans
Fellini, Federico
Smith, Melanie
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Pichler, Walter
Dalí, Salvador